Things To Look For When Hiring A Contractor To Set Up Your Residential Solar Grid

Solar system installation in your home can be an excellent way to reduce what you spend on energy every year. The number of available systems is growing, and hiring solar installers to put the solar system in for you can make the job easier. There are some things to consider as you go through the process, but once the solar system is complete, it can be worth the time and energy spent on the project. 

Complete Solar System Installation

When considering installing a solar system for your home, it is vital to look for solar installers that offer more than placing the panels on your home. A complete solar installation includes the solar panels, the controllers, and the storage system for the electricity you generate. 

An efficient solar system will generate more electricity than you use at one time, and a bank of batteries to hold the excess power is necessary. Determining the system size and storage capacity for the system is critical, and the contractor you are using should be able to calculate your needs and storage requirements before any hardware installation begins.

Charge controllers are also needed to ensure the batteries in the storage bank are not overcharged or drawn so low that damage occurs to the batteries. Many solar installers break the job up and have a crew installing panels, an electrician wiring it all together, and a team installing the storage system and controllers. When all the pieces come together correctly, the result is a system that performs correctly and keeps your storage full and ready when the sun goes down.

Site Surveys

The solar installers you are working with should perform a site survey before the solar system installation begins. The location and angle of the solar panels make a significant difference in how the system performs, and it is essential that you have enough panels to power your system. 

The site survey can help determine if the panels can go on the roof of the house or if they need to mount on a stand or another building on the property. In some areas, mounting the panels on a stand that tracks the sun through the sky all day can mean fewer panels but often requires an unrestricted line of sight to the sky. Using a system like this can also mean using fewer panels, but without the survey, the potential to find this may get missed. 

Houses with roofs that face the south provide the best potential for the collection, but there are also opportunities for morning and afternoon sun in the east and west skies. Once the best opportunities for solar collections are determined, the solar installers can set the system up and optimize everything to work together and provide you with the most solar collection possibilities in your location. 

For more information, contact local solar installers
